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How to Get Buy-In From Others When Bringing a “New” Solution to Your Business

Aug 26, 2021 9:21:00 PM / by Taylor Faircloth

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The only thing constant in life is change, and business is not an exception to this rule. However, as human beings, we find comfort in the familiar, which can make us resistant to progress and positive changes. That’s why it is so tricky to introduce a new organizational system to your business.

Even if the change seems like an obvious necessity, getting others on board and gaining their support—much less attention—can be a challenging feat. Whether they’re happy with the way things are, fearful of repercussions, or just apathetic, getting others to buy-in requires appealing to both their logic and emotions.

When it comes time for an important organizational shift, you don’t want to end up with factions of disgruntled employees stalling productivity. A company leader can do many things to secure buy-ins for changes in the company from other employees. Above all else, open, honest communication and strategy are the two most essential elements in facilitating organizational change in your company.

Develop a Strong Pitch Before Your Proposal

If you have ever tried to change a group of people’s minds or habits, you know the road will not be an easy one. A strong proposal can significantly impact other employees and go a long way in persuading people and implementing change. But how does one develop a strong pitch that resonates with employees?

Zoom Out and Look at the Big Picture

First, you need to address whether the organizational shift you seek is genuinely essential for your company. Then, it would help if you considered all of the potential consequences and costs, as well as what it would take to implement. View your change holistically and communicate its necessity and requirements to the rest of your team.

Appeal to Logic and Emotions

Suppose your proposal would save your company tons of money, increase productivity, improve working conditions, or save employees time they can’t otherwise get back. In that case, you’ll want to demonstrate this with facts and statistics to back it up. Communicate your report to others in the company to address any concerns they may have before officially pitching the idea. Do not ignore their input!

Ask Your Team for Feedback

To gain support, you must meet with your team members  to discuss your ideas, listen to their input, and be willing to compromise. Multiple perspectives on an issue can uncover unseen flaws or find more practical or efficient solutions. Don’t settle for an old system that’s “good enough” when you can collaborate on a solution that will work for everybody.

Develop an Elevator Pitch

A brief oral presentation will express why the company needs to change, how your change will improve company operations, and what its implementation will require. This pitch should be a short one- to two-minute speech to express your key points.

Top-Down or Bottom-Up Strategies

If you are spearheading an organizational shift in your company, gaining support from leaders in varying positions is essential to enacting your change. Top-down strategies persuade those in the C-suite level to approve changes in the company. At the same time, bottom-up approaches rely on middle management leaders who share connections with clients, employees, and senior management. Successful company progress hinges on persuading these leaders to support your cause.

Address Expectations, Concerns, and Apathy

Thorough research and prediction figures not only provide evidence in favor of your case, but they also set expectations within reason and can even generate excitement. Sometimes, however, a proposal encounters silence and a lack of feedback. In this case, there are two likely reasons: anxiety or apathy.

An anxious lack of response often stems from a fear of group settings, social rejection, or pushing buttons. Apathetic responses might seem dismissive, coming from a place of indifference or hopelessness.

Here are some tips to get buy-ins from anxious or apathetic employees and create a safe work environment in the process:

  1. Explain your thought process and the different options available.
  2. Don’t ask general questions like “What do you think?” Instead, ask what precisely works and doesn’t work or if there’s anything you missed.
  3. Allow yourself to show vulnerability and accept the better ideas of others.
  4. Respect the concerns of others. It takes courage to be vulnerable to potential problems, so take each one seriously.
  5. Ask individuals outside of a group setting to share their opinions on the change. Some individuals may feel most comfortable if group settings have designated speaking opportunities.

Have an Open Dialogue to Communicate Your Proposal

Communication is the key to any successful relationship, including that with your team members. Forget the corporate jargon and have an honest conversation with the people in your company. Address their feelings and concerns about the new solution, and be sure to gather their input and adapt your plan accordingly.

It is essential to recognize whether someone’s apprehension is about the validity of the idea, the idea of change, or the person with the idea. The first one is often the easiest to address through collaboration and brainstorming. The latter two stem from an emotional reaction. 

To overcome emotional resistance to you or your idea, the ability to listen to constructive criticism is paramount. If your plan requires teammates to do something you wouldn’t or couldn’t do yourself, you should either rethink your strategy or ask other members if they are willing and able to complete the task at hand. Utilize their insights to optimize the plan around what is possible and efficient, but don’t let a fear of change keep your company in developmental purgatory.

Empower Your Team With the Ultimate Operational Management System From Chekhub

The ideal operations management system can significantly impact a company’s productivity, profitability, and employee satisfaction. At Chekhub, we can provide a cost-effective, easy-to-use operations management tool that can help improve your organization’s daily operations. 

Visit our website or email us at to schedule a demo for your company.

Tags: Insights

Taylor Faircloth

Written by Taylor Faircloth

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