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Benefits of Digitally Documenting Work History

Feb 15, 2022 11:45:00 AM / by Taylor Faircloth

digitally documentingWhether you are personally going to job sites to perform repairs and troubleshoot or deploying employees to do so, digitally documenting work history is a best practice for practically every type of workflow. Manual record-keeping is a thing of the past. Companies are finding that thorough, well-kept digital records of work history offers so many advantages. 

Envision transforming your own processes and reaping the benefits of these outcomes:

Increases transparency among organizations, employees and customers

If your organization still relies on manual, physical records, you’re constantly putting yourself at a disadvantage when it comes to efficiently and transparently sharing your processes. With digital documentation of past work performed, you shed light on the task at hand. Your frontline teams have a complete view of the project or asset, giving them insights to perform their work and solve problems in the most expedient way.

Digital workflow enables field workers to record and share information about the task and receive real-time feedback from the home office or a colleague. No matter where they are, no matter how far away, you can expect a rapid increase in transparency across departments and sites.

Connects off-site workers to essential information

Seamlessly receiving information is king when your workforce is located remotely. Without having reliable and timely details, not much can get done. Giving your off-site employees information about past work history will shorten their time to perform the task, reduce headaches and save your company money in the long run.

Imagine a scenario in which a field service technician is dispatched to a power plant distribution center to repair a transformer. In a digital workflow environment, that technician can access the equipment model number, service manual, age of the unit, past service work performed and procedures for repair. Digitally documenting work history leaves nothing to guess.

What solution worked in the past? Is it applicable here? Or, if it was recently serviced and not resolved, what troubleshooting has already been tried?

These are all questions your off-site technician can answer with a digitally documented work history. The times of waiting for information from your primary location or shuffling through countless paperwork, half of which isn’t relevant, are long and gone with digital workflow.

Ensures accountability to your customers

Having a record for accountability to your customers is essential for companies to compete. Good record-keeping helps explain what was done and why, and it justifies billing on fee-based service calls. A client will always be grateful for the clear, precisely kept records.

For employers, digital record-keeping of work history also means accountability among your workforce. You’ll be able to see who was where servicing what piece of equipment. It’s not only important for developing trust among every worker. It’s about having a new degree of understanding for your projects.

Reduces errors and mistakes

An accurate digital record of work history can also help establish best practices and improve standard operating procedures.

As you keep track of the work history, you can look back on every project across every site to see what went right – and wrong – with ease. Your organization not only keeps track of mistakes and inefficient processes but also learns from them.

Continuing to grow and learn from past projects, you’ll be able to improve processes and refine procedures. This can result in a massive reduction in errors and mistakes – leading to more revenue and higher customer satisfaction. All of that means more growth for you and your company.

Provides an understanding of the asset lifecycle

One of the most essential parts of running any company dependent on operating machines or servicing them is understanding the lifecycle of a part or whole asset. No matter how many years of service experience your frontline team has under its belt, keeping track of countless assets across many locations and knowing the condition of each piece of equipment is just not possible – at least not with pen and paper.

By digitally documenting work history, you can efficiently keep track of every asset and its status. You’ll know how to make efficient repairs and when it’s time to replace or retrofit the equipment.

Ensures regulatory compliance

When operating or servicing sensitive equipment or industrial assets that are mission-critical, regulatory compliance almost always comes into play. Manual record-keeping is simply not enough for companies responsible for many sites and assets.

A digital workflow system enables your company to capture the regulatory requirements in the digital records and share this information with all necessary personnel responsible for compliance. Your frontline worker is reminded to check for compliance factors and confirm compliance in the digital records. It also prevents you from sacrificing time and resources to return to the site to repeat this step if it was missed the first time.

Creates continuity and seamless employee transition

Continuity of work product is essential, but it’s hard to maintain in the case of employee turnover. Thorough, digital work history will give your employees at all levels the information they need to ensure seamless transitions when employees leave and new ones are hired. New field technicians have visibility into previous work performed and can carry on without interrupting business.

As a result, digital workflow means less time training new employees and getting them up to speed on their projects. If there’s ever a knowledge gap, they can simply refer to the digitally documented work history.

Get started with digital workflow software

Chekhub operations management software delivers all of these advantages and is designed especially for companies that deploy frontline workers in mission-critical environments. A SaaS technology, Chekhub onboards quickly and is easy for your personnel to use. It allows you to eliminate antiquated paper-based processes and adopt digital tools that empower your people.

There’s really no shortage of benefits to adopting a digital workflow and digitally documenting work history. Reduced errors, improved connectivity, increased productivity, elimination of redundant manual tasks, greater trust and transparency – the list goes on. Find out how Chekhub can help you increase efficiencies with our cloud-based operations management tools.

Tags: Why Chekhub

Taylor Faircloth

Written by Taylor Faircloth

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